The state has received about $1 billion in opioid settlement funds that will be distributed to cities and counties through the West Virginia First Foundation. The state law that created the foundation divides the state into five regions which will be represented on the foundation board by regional directors that will be nominated and voted on in those regions this summer. The executive director will work for the board.
Morrisey said there are already a lot of good efforts underway across the state when it comes to the ongoing battle against the opioid epidemic. He said he hopes one of the first efforts of the board will be to survey those efforts.
“I’m going to be asking the foundation, once it’s set, to do a needs assessment for all of the counties and cities because I don’t want to see any duplication. There are some areas that are doing some really good things. I want to see the money spent wisely. That is my hope,” Morrisey said.